‘Welcome Hong Kongers Project’ (WHKP) 《迎接香港人計劃》 is a diverse civil society group organising under the umbrella of UK Welcomes Refugees. We are neutral and non partisan politically and our vision is of a more welcoming world for all.
We have come together in response to the UK Government’s generous decision to welcome Hong Kong BN(O) passport holders, and the anticipated arrival of individuals and families from Hong Kong, who plan to resettle here.
Our primary aim is to organise local Welcome Groups in the towns and cities where most Hong Kongers will settle and for these Groups to become the focus for local agencies, and services to offer support, advice and welcome. We hope to provide counsel on schools, local services, jobs and housing but also, because most of us are volunteers, we aim to be good neighbours and help and support the overall challenging process of resettlement.
《迎接香港人計劃》是 英國迎接避難者(UK Welcomes Refugees)所舉辦,動員公民社會的多元组織一同參與迎接香港移民的嘗試。英國迎接避難者(UK Welcomes Refugees) (網址: www.ukwelcomesrefugees.org / 註冊編號:12679315)是一個政治中立、無政黨背景的非牟利團體,我們的宗旨是建立讓每一個人都能感到自己受到歡迎的世界。
《迎接香港人計劃》是為了配合英國政府放寬香港海外公民持有者 (BN(O)) 來英定居的新移民政策,並預計將會有為數不少的香港人及其家庭的移英計劃,而本計劃是為了協助這些來自香港的移民在英國安家樂業。
Registered Company 12679315.